I. Basic Commands:

/rules - Display The Server Rules
/help - Display The Genral Help Of The Server
/commands (or /cmds) - Dispaly The All Server Commands

II. Main Commands:
Genral Commands

/sendmoney [id] [amount] - Giving Cash To A Player
/gps - View And Locate Places Locations In Server
/controlpanel (or /cp) - Display Your Control Panel
/gmg - get weapon pack.
/fps - Display Your Frames Per Second Rate
/richlist - Display a List of Richest Players Online

III. Account Commands:
/stats - Display Your Current Stats
/savestats - Save Your Current Stats
/achivements - Display Your Current Achivements Unlocked
/myaccid - Display Your Acoount ID
/changepassword - Change Your Account Password To New One

IV. Information Commands
/idof [player_name] - Display The Player ID (You can enable viewing players ID in chat using Control Panel)
/lastlogged [player_name] - Display The Last Time A Player Logged In
/animlist - Display The Animations List

V. Communication Commands
/pm [id] [messege] - Send Personal Message To a Player
/w [messege] send message to nearby players

VI. Criminal Commands:
/rape [id] - rape a player
/rob [id] - rob a player
/robshop - robbing any shop.
/job - display your current job
/placehit [id] [amount] - placing a hit on a player
/paytickets - paying a ticket
/viewguns - show guns list provided by a gundealer
/takeover - make the territory controlled by your gang (You should be in a gang to use this command)

VII. Job Commands:
Mugger - /rape [id] , /blowjob , /robitems
Kidnapper - /tie , /untie , /rasom /kidnap
Terorrist - /c4 plant
Hitman - /placehit [id] [amount]
Weapon Dealer - /sellgun
Drug Dealer - /weed
Dirty Michanic - /mech
Burglar - /burglar
Fireman - /fires

VIII. Police Commands:
Genral Police Commands
/cuff [id] - Putting handcuffs on a player  (or use Left-alt. The criminal should have health below 50% in order to cuff him)
/ar [id] or /arrest [id] - arresting a cuffed criminal.
/uncuff [id] - uncuffing a player
/issuewarrant [id] [reason] - issueing warrant on a player
/ticket [id] - issue a ticket on a player
/location [id] finding a location of player
/backup - team backup
/bail - bailing a player
/search - frisk a player
/detain - deatin the closest cuffed player
/getwanted - obtain a player wanted

IX. Special Forces Commands:
/crb - place a roadblock
/drb - removes a road block
/drball - removes all roadblocks
/spike - place a spike
/dss - removes a spike
/dssall - removes all spikes
/shutdown - disables the driver vehicle
/bruteforce - force a house password

X. Vehicle Commands:
/v park - parking your vehicle
/v respawn - respawn your vehicle
/ej [id] - ejecting a player from your vehicle
/v locate - loacting your vehicle location
/v sell - selling your vehicle
/v reset - reseting all mods from vehicle
/v paintjob - paint job to your vehicle

XI. House Commands:
/h sell - selling your house
/h buy - buying a house
/h config - editing your house
/h - display buyable houses

XII. VIP Commands:
/vip - open VIP menu
/vips - display VIP players online
/vsay - VIP prefix in the main chat
/v color  - color your vehicle
/resetwl - reset your wanted level